Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Been Gone a while.....

Sorry about the absence.  Things around here got REALLY crazy for a while. 

In the beginning of July, my husband started having headaches - which he never has.  Over the course of several weeks, they became debilitating - so much that he would come home from the farm (which never happens) and lay in bed with ice packs around his head and neck.  Fast forward through Dr appts and an admission into the hospital - he had a ping pong sized tumor in his sinus cavity right in front of his brain.  A four hour surgery later, we found out that it was benign, thank goodness.  He is doing very well now.  The tumor does has a high re-occurrence rate, so we will have to keep getting MRI's several times a year for the rest of his life.  Could have been much worse!!!

The second "blow" I received this month was my bestest friend from 7th grade told me that she has breast cancer.  Gosh - what is up with all of these young people getting all of this junk (My husband is 33 and she is 38).  Prognosis for her is very good - she still is having consults with Dr's to decide on the best way to proceed.  We actually bought matching pink ribbon bracelets so we could "be together" during this time.  I didn't know with my husband's health what my schedule would be like in the next month.  Also, we both have kids starting school soon and she lives about 4 hours away. 

Yes, we sound like dorks with the matching bracelets - we actually wanted to make those friendship bracelets you braided out of thread in junior high in the 80's (boy, are we getting old), but couldn't remember how to make them :)

One fun time this month was "Dress like a Cow" day at Chick-Fil-A.  My mother in law came up with idea when we went to visit my SIL and nephew (and also a cousin and her family) we would dress up like cows and get free food.  "Making a memory" she said.  So........fifty dollars later at AC Moore....here we are....

Yes - the cow came out and visited with all of us.  The tall guy in the back is our cousin's husband who was such a good sport - wore a cowboy hat, had a rope and "herded" us into the restaurant. 

There were also two state troopers there eating and giving us "the eye."  I was sure we were going to have to take a breath-a-lizer before we left!!!

So, my oldest starts school in 9 days (but who's counting) and I hope that I can be better with the blog.  I really have lots of ideas to share.

Hope you'll stop back by :)

1 comment:

  1. Alison I love your blog and really like the cow picture, you all look adorable! XOXO ~ Ginger
