Monday, August 22, 2011

"Under the Sea" Art project for Kids

This "Under The Sea" art project for kids
is so full of different textures - they'll love it.

It's so simple - and so cute!

You need:
  • blue poster board
  • several large sheets of sandpaper
  • crayons or markers
  • glue
  • tissue paper (think seaweed colors: blue, green, purple, etc.)
  • paper plates
  • scissors
  • aluminum foil

Step 1

Take the sheets of sandpaper and line them up along
the bottom of the poster board. 

Trace your cutting line.
Keep in mind that the ocean floor is not flat.
It has hills and valleys - keep it interesting!

Cut the pieces of sandpaper and glue them
to the bottom of the poster board. 

Step 2

Take your paper plates and cut a "pie shape" into
one side to make his mouth.
Then glue the pie shape to the back of the paper plate
so that it becomes the tail.

Once you've given them a tail, color and decorate them
with crayons or markers.
Give them eyes, gills, all different colors.

Step 3

Make a jellyfish.
Cut a paper plate in half.
Decorate it again with crayons / markers.
Cut a long strand of tissue paper
and glue it to the top of the plate.
Then add several long strands to the bottom.

Step 4

Take your aluminum foil and trace small fish.
Cut out and paste on the poster board.

Step 5

Add a starfish or two.
Trace a starfish design onto sandpaper and cut out.
Give the edges some color with crayons for definition
and glue on the bottom floor.

Step 6

Finally, cut some long strands of tissue paper
to add seaweed and other plant life.
Glue them onto the poster board.
Make it interesting and glue the fish going in front and behind
the "seaweed."

There you go - how simple is that?

I love all of the wonderful textures that you work with.
Ridged paper plates
Smooth and shiny aluminum foil
Gritty rough sand paper
Crinkly tissue paper

My boys loved it.
Give it a try!


  1. very cute...thanks for linking this! pinning this one too!

  2. Theresa,

    It is very easy too! Let me know if you give it a shot! Would love to see a photo :)

  3. Your fist turned out wonderfully. I love the variety. It's amazing what you can do with just a few supplies. Thank you for linking up to The Sunday Showcase.

  4. I love this!!! You are so creative! I can't wait to try this idea out with my kids.
