Monday, May 14, 2012

Bridal Shower Centerpieces

We are having a wedding in our family soon and I had to brag on 
my Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law
and their creative talents for the table centerpieces.
I call them the "Mini Martha Stewart's!"

Check these out!

 A kitchen theme.


A bath theme. 

I believe I heard that the toppers of these were of from several family members who had them on their own wedding cakes. 

On the buffet table.

Yes - I have two very creative women in my family and am very thankful for that!!!  


  1. I love the fist one with the spoons! Hope you don't mind me putting that picture in my folder for ideas for my future wedding. :)


    Coming from 2sday Linkup

  2. Yes my favorite was the kitchen themed centerpiece. Love the creativity.
