Monday, May 7, 2012

Its planting corn time!

It's that time of year - planting field corn. 
Good and bad.
Bad - hubby has really long hours and is purely exhausted when he finally comes home.

Good - my youngest goes riding with him to be his "helper" and loves every minute
of his Daddy time.

I know, I know.  I have an obsession with wheat crops.  Just wait until it starts to turn yellow - GORGEOUS!  Then it'll be combine time and more time riding with Daddy :)

Just a canal in a ditch, but the water was running past go pretty!

I also love dirt roads.....don't know why - they are just so neat.

I remember braiding these  flowers weeds into bracelets and necklaces with other girls in elementary school.

Making the pass - better get lunch out of the cooler. 

Honestly, I try to remember my IPod and get some walking in while they are riding.  Nothing like sunshine, fresh air and a little Jason Aldean :)

Sometimes though, this is my view as I balance my checkbook, read or catch up on some phone calls.  A "Mommy" break :)

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