Friday, May 4, 2012

Old Time Farmer's Day

Recently, hubby, me and the kids and my father in law decided to take a road trip to see an "Old Time Farmer's Day" that had workhorses and donkeys.  

I especially wanted the boys to see that their great-grandfathers didn't just gas up the New Holland tractor, put on the AC, turn on the GPS and go to plowing.  They - as I was - were amazed!

I am not a "horse" person per say - I did spend some summers growing up riding on a dude ranch, but really have no idea the names / breeds of the following horses.  Just wanted to share some really neat photos.

Look at these guys sitting on a plowing and hanging on  steering the team. 

I was told that this "rig" was called a "courting plow" where a gentleman would take his
best girl riding with him to spend time together. 
How cute!  How Little House On The Prairie!!  

We did go for a ride through the woods in a huge wagon.  My youngest sat up front and helped the driver "steer" with the reigns.  The man was originally from Scotland - beautiful accent - could have listened to him talk all day.  His father immigrated to Canada to farm wheat and since then, this gentleman has been all over the US.  Very interesting man.

They ended the day with a wonderful lunch - we were starving!  Great food.  
I love taking the kids to "out of the ordinary" events like these - especially farm related.
Hopefully they'll appreciate all of the hard work that five generations of men before them
have put into our land. 

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