Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ordinary day on the farm

Over Spring Break, we had the most beautiful weather.  
I tried to keep the boys outside for every moment possible.
When we do go out, I usually wander around with my camera
trying to capture things that can get overlooked by busyness. 
I slow down - breathe - relish.....

One of my favorite bushes - pyracantha. 
Great red berries that the birds love in the fall and winter.
Gorgeous flowers in spring. 

My azaleas are still hanging in there. 

Yes, I know I have a thing with a wheat field - LOVE IT!

This one....Marley.....has been getting on my nerves - really annoying
a nest of baby Bluebirds.  UGH. 

Probably a weed, I know, but a pretty weed. 

Garden is perking along.  We have been blessed with a decent amount of rain. 

Teamwork boys!!

Our other cat, Max, had such a large matted place on his hind quarter - 
almost like cement - we had him shaved.
I think he feels self conscious of his "nakedness!"

Go out side and wander around your house / neighborhood and see what you find. 

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