Monday, June 18, 2012

If you have boys - let them explore!!

Pa-Pa's Place

A part of our farm is fondly referred to as "Pa-Pa's place."  It was I believe it was the home to the third generation of my husband's family to farm this land.  Its a very old house on a beautiful piece of property.  My mother-in-law always joke that if we had a million dollars, we would re-do the house because it has great "bones."  Right now, I'm sure is has tons of asbestosis and is just used for storing random things.  

Anyway, yesterday evening I took the boys over to play with the newly baled hay!  They love this time of year.  My oldest "judges" his growth against them each time we have them baled.  

I love the smell of newly baled hay.  Something about it. 

I love this old barn - I have no idea how old it is, but the wood is gorgeous.
Again, primarily just used to store old stuff.  

My oldest, the scientist, inspecting his latest find!!

I also love dirt roads.....never thought I would ever write those words
considering I grew up in a large city in a neighborhood,
but I'd never move back now. 

Again, my oldest, pausing to soak it all in - 
boy, did the two of them have tons of questions as we walked all around.
I love that - can almost hear their mind clicking away!!
Get them outside to get the imagination going. 

You can play hide-and-seek with the bales - such fun. 
Also, boys need TONS of room to run off all of their energy. 

A season for me as a mother - brothers side by side.  Sniff, sniff......

A very old gas pump - really cool looking. 

Hay throwing is mandatory!!

Hubby gathered this wheat field last week - such a gorgeous shade of golden still 
there with the cut stalks. 
I believe that soybeans will be the next crop to be planted in this 
particular field. 

A shelter with an old rusty roof - somehow very "classic and romantic".  
Rain on a tin roof - now that is a good night's sleep!!

Rakes to gather the hay for baling.  Really cool to watch if you ever get the chance. 

We are so very blessed to live on such a beautiful farm.  

For me, summer I especially try to SLOW DOWN.  
No big plans - no binding schedule.
We do so much 
driving during the school year.  It's almost a game to see how many 
days the truck can stay parked in the garage.  

My favorite times are exploring with my kids.  We pack a water bottle,
binoculars and a camera.  
Try it - you won't be disappointed. 

What activities are you doing with your kids this summer???


  1. What a relaxing looking place to be - I love the country!

    1. Mama Eagle,
      It really is.....when I'm having "one of those days"...I grab the boys and go walk - it settles the soul.

      Thanks for following!

  2. We are busy with lots of adventures too...but I, like you LOVE it when I can stay home all day and enjoy the country air with my animals! Now that I have one that can drive it happens a lot as she does lots of the little errands! :) My favorite photo is the one of your boys running to the field with the hay bales!

    1. Louisiana,
      Staying at home and enjoying the slower pace is wonderful.....especially if you have one to run the errands - good for you!!!

      Thank you for following the blog!
