Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Small gift for end of school

At the end of the school year, I try to do something special for my sons.
I am definitely NOT the type of parent who pays their kids for grades!
(But that is a whole other soapbox topic for a later date.)

It is usually something small, but meaningful.
Especially with boys - they need a lot of encouragement
a lot of "I'm in your corner."
a lot of "I've got your back"
a lot of "you're going to face a lot of pressure during your school years, but I'm always here for you"

With all of the influences and challenges they face everyday,
they need to be guided and right now my husband and I
are trying very hard on making our relationships with our boys solid.
Now is the easy time to do that, so when they get older and the challenges
become more difficult, they'll feel safe and confident enough to talk honestly 
with us about anything. 

I found this bracelet in a Christian bookstore the week school got out and I gave it to my oldest as he finished second grade.  

Just an "I'm really proud of you - you really did a wonderful job." 
I see so many ways he's becoming a very insightful young man and is 
aware of so many things.  

He really loved it (especially since it was "boy-ish" and not girly.
He had a fun time showing his friends his new "bling" :)

A simple Cross pattern on the front:

On the back is written:

"They are not of the world, even as I'm not of it."
John 17:16

Do you do anything "special" for your kids as they move up in grades???
Would love to hear.  


  1. I use to try to give my kids something fun for finishing up school ... life happens.

    Now, they get to go spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa - sometimes Grandpa takes them fishing as well. I have been very blessed to have my husband's parents nearby and willing to do this for us.

    1. A day out fishing sounds like a wonderful idea!! I love the idea of giving kids "experiences" instead of so much material stuff. Thanks for following!!
